to enter landscape,
as a simple leaf in water's
slow growth upon the eye : like
the river in winter,
its contained, cold rage
dotted with orderly
frost flowers'
mute and regular
specking, meshed
with banked reflectives,
pale grasses fringing
a thin, watery nausea
seeping as if
from the physical
act of being here : as breath
as current recirculates
the involuntary flinch
from description's
responsibility : from
attending as record
this terrestrial
dankness : as wet
bare branches,
where recognition's
ember cannot spark,
where observation :
where the actual act
of looking : freezes
& its derelict
collage of stoats,
lupins, erosion
rerouts the eye
to emptier signs
of fire : a sun faded
BBQ chip packet
wandering along
the roadside :